Camera set up

When I’m filming I will want a soft look to the shots thats why I will look into what settings and what I can do to create these soft photos and shots.

Choose a shallow depth of field– It will create a dreamy images because having a blurry background makes a hazy sensation. It will also draw focus to model which would be good in my advert. We can achieve this by choosing a wider aperture usually f/1/2 to f/2.8, depending on the lens.

Illuminate you work with lens flares– This could add extra soft dream like images position your lens so that the sun is in the frame and slowly move the camera until concentric circles appear on the screen. Keep adjusting your position until you see the details of your subject’s face clearly despite the presence of the flare more likely to use a small aperture between f/11 to f/22. If you want a blown out flare make a wider aperture  such as f/1.8 or f/2.8.

psychedelic drama with prisms– To create this you only have to hold a glass prism in front of the lens. Creating layers of an image and different dimensions.

Freelensing– To do this, set your camera to Aperture Priority and pick a wide aperture such as f/1.8 or f/2.8. Next, look at the screen and take note of the shutter speed that the camera selected. After that, switch to Manual Mode and choose f/1.8 or f/2.8 for the aperture. Finally, adjust the shutter speed to whatever value the meter gave you while on Aperture Priority.  

I can use my cannon camera to create all of these effects.

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